Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
169601-169620 of all 180,681 gems.
157,4850whatsonwhatson - what's on now command line tool (using the event.db machinery)
157,4850vexilla_clientVexilla is a statically hosted feature flag system. Free to use for personal and commer...
157,4850ward_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications
157,4850vx-lib-messageEvrone CI messages
157,4850willing_stoneA gem of the WillingRing developers, by the WillingRing developers, for the WillingRing...
157,4850uwa_sysloadUWA System Load Monitor widget
157,4850warperaA gem that makes working with years in different eras palatable
157,4850wiot_parserThis gem parse the watchiot yaml configuration.
157,4850usmanUsman gives you a user module with Admin Interface to Manage Features, Users and their ...
157,4850sr-integrity-ircIRC notifier for the Integrity continuous integration server
157,4850dup_spree_cmdtools to create new Spree stores and extensions
157,4850vader_sentiment_rubyVADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner) is a lexicon and rule-based sen...
157,4850visiqueryNo description.
157,4850SuburiMongrelA simple rack handler to allow to use suburis without using --prefix
157,4850temperature_conversion_raghuConvert from Centigrade to Fahrenheit or vice versa
157,4850vakitA gem for easily getting salah times for Turkey
157,4850vagrant-norequirettyEver get a "sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo" error? Maybe this plugin can help!
157,4850voteable_chiprockstarA nice voting gem
157,4850vru_primeveeru_prime is the best
157,4850zboxfsThis library is for ZboxFS ruby binding. WIP