Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
169621-169640 of all 180,681 gems.
157,4850torrentifyBaseapp for webscraping torrent-sites
157,4850special_agentParse and process User Agents like a secret one
157,4850vending_machineA simple vending machine in Ruby
157,4850watson-scssUtilities for SCSS.
157,4850ttcryptoptimized RSA and other basic cryptography primitives in c++
157,4850watson-language-translatorWatson Language Translate content into multiple languages
157,4850turbomorphMonkey patches turbolinks to morph your dom between two different pages rather than jus...
157,4850tmxnewsNews reader - List articles, read article.
157,4850stupaRuby client library for Stupa
157,4850super_deduper"Checks an array of strings against records in the specified table & column. It's a sup...
157,4850swift-boilerSwift-Boiler is a tool developed for iOS developers to speed up the process of implemen...
157,4850sumologicRuby Sumo Logic SDK for the Sumo Logic REST API
157,4850urbandictAn interface to the Urban Dictionary API
157,4850zintRuby FFI wrapper on Zint barcode library. See README for more details
157,4850synculus-codexSynculus Codex - A Knowledge Base powered by Synculus
157,4850souseStore your team's manual testing scenarios in Gherkin alongside your automated Cucumber...
157,4850cache_boxA simple, fast, and easy to use local cache.
157,4850veraVera helps you automatize the process of organizing, cleaning and sorting your photo an...
157,4850voxbiEasy-to-use french voice synthesizer
157,4850TableCSVConvert HTML table to CSV