Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
169581-169600 of all 180,681 gems.
157,4850vehicle_dataRuby Client for VehicleData.co API
157,4850twing_proxyProxy for Twing
157,4850sshyguyA lazy SSH manager.
157,4850url-fetcherUrl fetcher gem scan given webpage and will find all images. This gem can have to sort ...
157,4850ycchen-gem-voteableTealeaf blog-post voting gem.
157,4850wafflesSCSS Grid System.
157,4850tzotchevsrtsrt file reader
157,4850xml-dslXML DSL and generator
157,4850wordpress-wxrParse a WordPress XML file into separate Ruby objects.
157,4850txtspkshortens to using text speak
157,4850versionifierVersion number update gem
157,4850vg_holaA simple hello world gem
157,4850tackleRuby gem for instrumenting your code
157,4850wp-sessioniserDisplays reader sessions from an apache wordpress log
157,4850spree_mercado_pagoIntegrates Mercado Pago with Spree
157,4850virtus-dirtyAdd dirty tracking of attributes to your ruby objects
157,4850wunderlist-rbI'll find something to put here
157,4850testytest2This gem adds a dedent method to strings to strip leading spaces from each line while p...