Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
169641-169660 of all 180,534 gems.
142,2090id_coderGenerates relatively short codes to represent id numbers externally
142,2090gettext-slimYou can extract messages from Slim files with this library.
142,2090mm_uses_uuidMongoMapper plugin that uses a UUID instead of the default ObjectID
142,2090is_pangramThis RubyGem contains a boolean method 'is_pangram?', which takes a string as an argume...
142,2090grepgA ruby client to access greppage.com from the commandline
142,2090gemsonrailsLink or freeze RubyGems into your rails apps, instead of plugins To reinstall, run &quo...
142,2090harshedUtility to quickly save and retrieve objects from disk
142,2090maildotymlAdd mail.yml to rails
142,2090kybus-coreKybus::Core will be used across all the kybus gems. Provides the most basic functio...
142,2090karma-railsSeamless integration between Rails and Karma
142,2090gsolrThis is a generic solr client, capable of talking to Solr, as well as Riak
142,2090gdiffThe Generic Diff Format (GDIFF) can be used to efficiently describe the differences bet...
142,2090mac_address_eui48An implementation of class for MAC address (i.e. IEEE EUI48 identifiers).
142,2090inspec-tkinfoAllows reading instance name, suite name and platform name in tests.
142,2090matchi-fixA Fix specing matcher compatible with Matchi.
142,2090mimi-coreCore module for mimi, microframework for microservices
142,2090is_dockerCheck if ruby is running inside docker
142,2090move_mediaMoves files from Sony Camera memory cards to permanent storage.
142,2090hello_folksHello folks gem.
142,2090irlpRuby gem to interact with the Internet Radio Linking Project (IRLP), such as retrieving...