Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
169741-169760 of all 180,402 gems.
140,0900dcmxThe first Gem package for practice
140,0900app_maintProvides usefull capistrano recipes for application maintenance
140,0900white_horsemanThe apocalypse is here
140,0900working_daysAdd a number of working days to a Time object
140,0900arel_extensionExtension of Arel Gem.
140,0900coinstarGA Apprentice Code Challenge
140,0900artmotion-xss_shieldThis plugin provides XSS protection for views coded in HAML and RHTML. ERB templates a...
140,0900zoomifierA library for zoomifying images
140,0900wifi_geo_locationGetting your geo location with GoogleGeoLocationAPI using Wi-Fi MacAddress in around here.
140,0900dbpedia_filmA gem for getting film metadata from DBPedia
140,0900active_admin_bbsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
140,0900asciidoctor-htmlbookAsciidoctor HTMLBook is an Asciidoctor backend for converting AsciiDoc documents to HTM...
140,0900chloroformPlaceholder for js color finder.
140,0900appbox-octopressParse and visualize data from AppStore and GooglePlay Store to display it in Octopress ...
140,0900artofmission-rails-footnotesEvery Rails page has footnotes that gives information about your application and links ...
140,0900cache_keeperHave your cached methods refreshed asynchronously and automatically
140,0900bittrex_apiProvides a wrapper for bittrex.com api
140,0900chef-provisioning-vboxwhat I said above
140,0900alu0100882339menu"Gema de la práctica 6: Desarrollo Dirigido por Pruebas(TDD)"
140,0900vertical-s3_swf_uploadRails 3 gem that allows you to upload files directly to S3 from your application using ...