Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
169661-169680 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920ruote-couchCouchDB storage for ruote 2.1 (ruby workflow engine)
95,5920rs-api-toolsRightScale API Command Line Tools.
95,5920senseTests gives a lot more sense to the code that matters
95,5920jmoses_api-authFull HMAC auth implementation for use in your gems and Rails apps.
95,5920fileupload-railsjQuery-File-Upload for Rails
95,5920directory-traversalProvides a few simple methods to make traversing directories a bit easier and more powe...
95,5920cancancan_jsCanCanCan, But Accessible in the Front-End Javascript
95,5920jewfishtiny static website generator
95,5920sps_mqtt_bridgeSubscribes and re-publishes messages automatically from MQTT to SPS or to HTTP.
95,5920fixingsEasy rails setup with infrastructure and a bunch of handy correctness pieces
95,5920eep_clientA client library for sending and clearing Events via the Event Enrichment Platform (EEP...
95,5920jekyll-build-ebookJekyll plugin that adds command to generate ebook
95,5920crosscaseA mixin for auto-generating under_barred aliases for camelCased methods, and vice-versa.
95,5920hanging_methodsAdd a method that you can hang other methods.
95,5920sdcdOnly for subdomains. it return back object
95,5920semver_stringerSee semver.org for the rules, or https://github.com/iantruslove/SemverStringer#readme f...
95,5920ey-pro-cliThis gem allows you to deploy your rails application to Engine Yard Pro directly from t...
95,5920ffi-toxRuby FFI bindings to Tox
95,5920insightlyRuby library for integrating with http://Insight.ly . This gem makes it easy to talk to...