Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
169681-169700 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920indoctrinatr-toolsindoctrinatr-tools provides a set of command line tools for Indoctrinatr (an Open Sourc...
95,5920itunes_reviewiTunes review list
95,5920russian-reversalTakes simple English sentences and provides the Russian Reversal verb phrase
95,5920from_gitAllows you to install gem from git repository"
95,5920faststepMongo on Speed
95,5920ruinedruined is Ruby Source Level Debugger for educational purpose.
95,5920string_extensorammends string class
95,5920reviewmeA simple star review generator gem
95,5920docker-builderBuild Docker containers with Chef, Dockerfile and other tools
95,5920roaring-rbRuby bindings for the Roaring Bitmap library
95,5920engine-rea-adminfollow REA model
95,5920rest-ftp-daemon-remote-sftprest-ftp-daemon plugin: sFTP
95,5920hackyHacky Hacky Hacky
95,5920kakeiboIAP and IAB receipt validation module.
95,5920samanageConnect to Samanage using Ruby!
95,5920sixarm_ruby_secure_tokenSixArm.com » Ruby » SecureToken to generate a cryptographic string that is web-friendly...
95,5920fulmar-plugin-core4This adds specific helper methods and tasks for our workflow at CORE4 GmbH
95,5920jekyll-plugin-includeA Jekyll liquid tag plugin which allows includes directly from plugins' `_include` dire...
95,5920keepasshttpA client for https://github.com/pfn/keepasshttp to fetch passwords