Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
172401-172420 of all 180,599 gems.
131,2430cenit-collection-fooShared Collection cenit-collection-foo
131,2430ckafkainterface to the rdkafka C library
131,2430devistA Ruby gem that will help you export your Markdown changelog into beautiful HTML pages.
131,2430clickhouse_activerecordClickhouse Activerecord Adapter
131,2430chart_bibzChartJs with ruby.
131,2430webpacker-legacyUse Webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails
131,2430fastlane-plugin-mtsmetricsFastlane plugin that simplifies uploading dSYM files to MTSMetrics for stacktrace deobf...
131,2430embulk-filter-copyAn filter plugin for Embulk (https://github.com/embulk/embulk/) that copies loaded data...
131,2430dnks_clustering_indexesGem to calculate clustering indexes
131,2430ylv_gemsomething for testing first gem
131,2430chihuahuaChihuahua is a tool to manage Datadog monitors.
131,2430wcc-xmpp-notificatorXMPP/Jabber notificator plugin for wcc
131,2430extended_herHer is an ORM that maps REST resources and collections to Ruby objects
131,2430chime-targetingThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
131,2430cocoapods-bincocoapods-bin is a plugin which helps develpers switching pods between source code and ...
131,2430deployable-patchA central repo to store common monkey patches
131,2430view_tool_copyrightJust add one line to your homepage
131,2430ansible_doc_generatorCLI for generating documentation of Ansible roles based on a ma...
131,2430bb_stats_crunchTake stats from a baseball CSV file and output useful information
131,2430digiusbA tiny library for talking to digispark (a small arduino clone) over usb a bit like tal...