Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
172381-172400 of all 180,589 gems.
91,6450gongThe easiest way to release gem versions on GitHub
91,6450git-externalExtension for git which adds a command providing similar functionality to git submodule...
91,6450nrpe_checknrpe check helper
91,6450nats-rpcRPC implemented on top of NATS
91,6450sidekiq-syncAdds perform_sync next to perform_async
91,6450testscript_engineAn engine for loading and executing FHIR TestScript resources
91,6450google-cloud-shell-v1Cloud Shell is an interactive shell environment for Google Cloud that makes it easy for...
91,6450hola_vardhanA simple hello world gem
91,6450sinatra-editableA simple CMS extension for sinatra
91,6450sqlite_log_filterNo more '...sqlite_master...' queries in your log when using sqlite
91,6450log_rangerUsing default logger and store the log both in file and mongodb.
91,6450operablRailway oriented aproach for your classes and modules.
91,6450hrr_rb_relaxed_xmlAn REXML-based XML toolkit that can have multiple root elements
91,6450minitest-red_greenAdds red/green colors to standard minitest output
91,6450sinatra-paginSmall utility to process paginated urls without modifying the mapped paths in your Sina...
91,6450sea_witchWraps clippercard.com to provide a usable client in the absence of a true api
91,6450hexx-validatorsThor-based generator of an ActiveModel validatorsand its unit test templates.
91,6450sunspot-rails-http-basic-authHTTP Basic Authentication support for sunspot_rails
91,6450spec_routinetemplate generator for spec files
91,6450prybabyA simple gem that quickly removes pry breakpoints from code