Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
172801-172820 of all 180,554 gems.
89,8570subneticaProgram that can display IPv4 and IPv6 address information like Network, Netmask, rDNS ...
89,8570fitbyteA Ruby interface to the Fitbit API, using OAuth2 (renamed to fitbit_api)
89,8570pusher-railsgem description
89,8570gem_metadataGemMetadata is a Ruby library that allows to filter and access gems by custom metadata ...
89,8570matchrbmatchrb (pronounced 'matcherby') provides a simple but powerful way to do pattern m...
89,8570selenium_spiderScrape websites using Firefox headlessly handled by Selenium
89,8570fort_ci-workerDatabase based job execution. Rails independent.
89,8570homeland-siteSite for Homeland.
89,8570invalid_authenticity_token_rescueRails 5 default protect_from_forgery is to raise an exception. Some browsers trigger th...
89,8570smart_preloaderAllows to preload ActiveRecord associations in a smart way
89,8570lazy_load-railsLazyLoadingPage loads heay pages lazily as and when required. Single heavy request is b...
89,8570mastercard_billpayapiMasterCard BillpayAPI Description
89,8570network-monitorA tool for monitoring network ports for both throughput and errors.
89,8570fluent-clientfluentd command line utility
89,8570hash_magickFor nesting flat hashes, etcetera.
89,8570tap-httpA task library for submitting http requests using Tap.
89,8570goplay-publisher-sdkA fluent SDK for retrieving Publisher information from the GoPlay graph.
89,8570pow-clientWrapper for pow
89,8570erb-indentERB that supports de-indentation