Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
172841-172860 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920degree_converterGem for convert degrees between itself, converter uses external wsdl service http://www...
95,5920redmine_auditRedmine plugin for checking Redmine's own vulnerabilities
95,5920farmoneyValue objects to help dealing with financial things
95,5920keccak-pure-rubyAn implementation of SHA3 in pure Ruby.
95,5920data_structureProgramatically declare your data structures for various contexts.
95,5920smart_proxy_dhcp_infobloxInfoblox DHCP provider plugin for Foreman's smart proxy
95,5920hrr_rb_relaxed_xmlAn REXML-based XML toolkit that can have multiple root elements
95,5920search_doAR: Hyperestraier integration
95,5920has_seo_fieldsAllows to easily add SEO fields for models
95,5920salsify-gtinValidates and converts GTIN variants to standardized GTIN-14 representation
95,5920jekyll-theme-ampJust another jekyll docs theme compatible with GitHub Pages and AMP
95,5920hexx-validatorsThor-based generator of an ActiveModel validatorsand its unit test templates.
95,5920rails-assets-lygneo_jsxcXMPP javascript client for lygneo
95,5920hasoffersImplementation of the HasOffers API for affiliate advertising.
95,5920carnivore-actorCarnivore actor source
95,5920semaphoreCounting semaphore implementation for Ruby 1.9.3 based on semaphore.rb,v 1.2 2003/03/15...
95,5920chaos-apiAPI interface to leftBehind game
95,5920kono_utilsGemma per che raccoglie varie tipologie di classi di utilità varia che possono servire ...
95,5920jquery-datatables-rails-plusjquery-datatables gem for rails, edited by kornosk for specific purpose
95,5920tailslideWrite a longer description or delete this line.