Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
172821-172840 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171rbbt-sent-wwwThis package contains a SOAP web server and a merb application.
147,2171wireioGem to consume WireIO rest api
147,2171sishen-crackReally simple JSON and XML parsing, ripped from Merb and Rails.
147,2171xezatxezat helps you win at cygport.
147,2171apertiumApertium machine translation.
147,2171comidaCalculo de dieta adecuada y nutricionalmente equilibrada que contamine lo menos posible...
147,2171sortsort yo files
147,2171voteable_jwA voting gem
147,2171spree_maker_advanced_searchAdvanced search includes to select taxons and makers, and sorting.
147,2171onchangeOnChange is a File System Monitor for JRuby/Java similar to the Listen or Watchr gems. ...
147,2171ucnv-aviglitchA Ruby library to destroy your AVI files.
147,2171vegantech-activerecord-sqlserver-adapterSQL Server adapter for Active Record
147,2171tiny-cacheDescription of TinyCache.
147,2171spree_first_data_gge4Add Payment GayeWay GGE4
147,2171syncboxA gem that automatically sync file to S3 or Glacier.
147,2171eighty_sixedCalculates the best possible hand, don't use in the casino you may get 86'd
147,2171travis-async-listenerCLI and Ruby client library for Travis CI