Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
172881-172900 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250ruby_kpiThe KPI required to access a SmartM3 Smart Space. This gem provides the standard JOIN, ...
68,6250ruboty-megenruboty-megen generate ruboty README.md template.
68,6250simpleapikeyengine-facebook(Description for simpleapikeyengine-facebook)
68,6250motion-listThis is RubyMotion plugin which provides various lists.
68,6250motion-icon_generatorSimple gem that adds a rake task to create all of the versions of iOS icons you'll need...
68,6250one_factorizationOne factorization of a graph generates length-1 sets of pairs of elements from the grap...
68,6250custom_gemCustom Gem
68,6250money-testCurrency converter gem test
68,6250integration_test_kitIntegration Test Kit provides a small DSL for defining integration test commands, and a...
68,6250good_luck_wizardAn unfinished terminal-based roguelike game
68,6250loxxyA Ruby implementation of the Lox programming language. Lox is a dynamically typed, ob...
68,6250motion-flowmotion-flow allows you to write cross-platform native mobile apps...
68,6250simple_form_epic_editorIntegrates the markdown editor EpicEditor with Rails and Simple Form.
68,6250countries_regions_and_cities_by_peterconsuegraAn agile way to implement Countries, Regions and Cities in your project, without the ne...
68,6250fastlane-plugin-figure_releaseFastlane plugin for publishing React Native applications.
68,6250moode-haml-component-angularcoral ui components
68,6250nyc_fire_housesIncase you are on fire, please download this gem and find the closest fire house near you.
68,6250wanglu_clientA ruby client which can access all Wanglu's API.
68,6250riemann-metricsForwards ActiveSupport::Notifications to a Riemann server
68,6250omf_baseSome basic, but common functionality used in OMF libraries.