Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
172921-172940 of all 180,681 gems.
157,4850template_refiit does not allow the execution of arbitrary code templates may contain functions cal...
157,4850vertiginous-githubThe official `github` command line helper for simplifying your GitHub experience.
157,4850stockpileStockpile is a simple key-value store connection manager framework. Stockpile itself do...
157,4850strangeboxminimal changed version of cwninja´s GemInABox .. A sinatra based gem hosting app, with...
157,4850webbynode-masonBuild things
157,4850tc4rTeamcity Client for Ruby
157,4850vietnamese_alphabetThis library provides methods to convert Vietnamese text with special characters into t...
157,4850truthUses Redis pub/sub + Eventmachine
157,4850task_timeA taskwarrior plugin that adds time tracking and reporting features. As such depends on...
157,4850thingfish-datastore-filesystemThis is a data storage plugin for the Thingfish digital asset manager. It provides pers...
157,4850rwdziprwdwmoviesrwdmovies is movie database for rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs.
157,4850tunny_1234567First gem created
157,4850thor-tropoThor tasks to package a project
157,4850thread_jobA simple framework to asynchronously execute longer running tasks in the background usi...
157,4850starling_terminalA tool for viewing your Starling Bank statement from your terminal
157,4850trove_oauthA Ruby wrapper for the Trove API - inspired by twitter_oauth
157,4850thredded_create_appGenerates a Rails app with Thredded installed.
157,4850trackitTrackIt allows you to track attributes changes in your ActiveRecord models
157,4850village_authАутентификация для спецпроектов The Village
157,4850wingConvert github markdown with mermaid diagrams to beautiful PDF.