Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
172901-172920 of all 180,702 gems.
135,8870ar_shardIsolated Multibase Support for ActiveRecord Models with dynamic config
135,8870sinatra_clientClient for Sinatra API applications
135,8870basic_scopesBasic scopes to your ActiveRecord
135,8870teabagRun Javascript tests using Jasmine, Mocha or QUnit in the browser or headlessly using P...
135,8870commons-io-jarsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
135,8870cartilageCartilage for Backbone.js
135,8870arsseneGem for retrieving entries from RSS feeds given the URL of a feed or website
135,8870unicode-scriptSmall utility that allows you to detect scripts (languages) in unicode text
135,8870rock_paper_scissor_jsPlay a Rock Paper Scissors Game
135,8870art_cssA library that generates stylesheets for art websites. It can be used to display random...
135,8870boriumBorium is a distributed super-queue engine, capable of storing many different kinds of ...
135,8870rresultA ruby port of the Rust Result enum. 🦀 Documentation will be added later. For now visi...
135,8870carrierwave-mimetype-magicReal mime-types for carrierwave
135,8870strong_interfaceSimple implementation of an interface pattern for Ruby
135,8870blazer_xlsxBlazer fork that adds support for exporting to XLSX
135,8870simpler_state_machineA simple state machine that supports enum
135,8870social_frameworkFramework to build social networks apps base on routes and schedules.
135,8870roda-contribSmall collection of my personal plugins for Roda
135,8870reveal-js-railscreate reveal.js slideshows in your rails app