Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
173121-173140 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171overtime-queriesRun time based queries over a git repository
147,2171blockholeThis is a simple caching library inspired by the api of VCR. Currently Redis is the onl...
147,2171cresca_brasil_apiGEM para integração com a API da Cresça Brasil
147,2171tobimoku_studio_gameThis is the game I made following the exercises in the Pragmatic Studios Ruby Course. ...
147,2171openssl-sane_defaultsMake OpenSSL default params safer by disabling insecure options.
147,2171sluggeable_ricA simple sluggeable gem to add slugs to models. Test gem, use under your responsability
147,2171yabfiThis gem uses native C extensions to interpret Brainfuck programs. An optimizing compil...
147,2171bigcommerce-testTest Version of the Bigcommerce API lib - Please use the official version for your purp...
147,2171ranspositionA randomized transposition cipher with the key its own randomness.
147,2171xero-apiRuby JSON-only client for Xero API.
147,2171sinatraliveWatches for changes in your Sinatra-app and reloads Puma daemon with the new app code.
147,2171webarchiveCUI tool to archive URIs using web.archive.org, archive.today, and others
147,2171datafinitiAllows users to interface with Datafiniti API to retrieve location and product records
147,2171slack-ruby-bot-bheThe easiest way to write a Slack bot in Ruby.
147,2171send_otp_devEasily Send and Confirm Email/SMS/Voice OTP Authentication
147,2171zammad-szpmThis gem provides a class to parse, manipulate and store SZPM files and create ZPM stri...
147,2171ruby-cakemailIdiomatic Ruby Cakemail API Library
147,2171parade-liverubyAdds the ability to evaluate ruby code live within a Parade presentation
147,2171train-telnetAllows applications using Train connect via Telnet
147,2171voteable-cbuzzOne of many voteables