Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
173141-173160 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171remove_double_blankThis gem can be used to make source code RuboCop-compliant.
147,2171arborist-webThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
147,2171user_recordMountable Authentication system for Rails Applications and API.
147,2171sayso-dalliHigh performance memcached client for Ruby - forked and gemified for sayso
147,2171softlayer-report-cliSoftLayer Reporting CLI
147,2171raresrampagerecipes.com client
147,2171activerecord-opentracing-dox-forkActiveRecord OpenTracing intrumenter
147,2171scikit-learnscikit-learn wrapper for Ruby
147,2171ddg-wrapperA Ruby Library wrapper around Duck Duck Go Instant Search API
147,2171bizboolThis gem can be used for boolean operation for integers,floats,symbols and strings.
147,2171danger-rubocop_disable_checkerA Danger plugin to check for RuboCop disable comments.
147,2171rss-oxParse RSS/Atom feeds with Ox and Ruby's stdlib
147,2171simple_iifA simple library to assist in the handling of Quickbooks IIF files
147,2171radar-resource_controllerRails RESTful controller abstraction plugin.
147,2171transpotterGem to handle transcoding in ruby
147,2171paypal_express_checkoutSimple hanlder for Paypal express checkout
147,2171rabbit-slide--vim-testGiven at
147,2171rabbit-slide-wikimatze-vim-testGiven at
147,2171vagrant-iniconfigUse ini-based configuration in your Vagrantfile
147,2171rubysipRuby/SIP is library of SIP(RFC3261 and more) written in pure ruby