Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
174301-174320 of all 180,554 gems.
89,8570objective_formObjective form is for whoever miss dynamic nested fields adding in form object using ne...
89,8570ruby-streamLazy stream implementation for Ruby
89,8570nogara-redis_failoverredis_failover is a ZooKeeper-based automatic master/slave failover solution for Ruby
89,8570nutheory_rackRack middleware for creating HTTP endpoints for files stored in MongoDB's GridFS
89,8570rbook-onixThis library is designed to make working with the book industries ONIX standard easier.
89,8570eideticpdfPDF Library
89,8570openupQuickly open project-related links from your project's root
89,8570kasketputs a cap on your queries
89,8570ogreCommand line tool to automate creation of chef orgs, chef policy repositories, and vali...
89,8570master_of_all_scienceGem to wrap MasterOfAllScience.com API
89,8570por_flattenThis gem re-implements an Array flatten function in pure Ruby.
89,8570isis-plugin-bbcworldnewsIsis plugin: BBC World News
89,8570isis-plugin-devopsreactionsIsis plugin: Devops Reactions
89,8570spree_mixpanelSpree/Mixpanel integration
89,8570ontomde-demosInstaller for all ontomde demos. == FEATURES: Please refer to each specific enclosed ...
89,8570isis-plugin-pizzagifsIsis plugin: Pizza GIFs
89,8570fluent-plugin-cmdaa-statCMDA plugin to process logdata and save stats to a database
89,8570leoMeta package that includes leo-model
89,8570onlineableGem for Rails application - provides you list of online users (for authentication gem '...
89,8570o_cmsEasily extend your application with Pages, Post and Image Library, customisable to suit...