Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
175441-175460 of all 180,459 gems.
132,0350fastlane-plugin-bitbucket_cloudWrapper of Bitbucket cloud rest apis
132,0350yquotesGet historical quotes from Yahoo Finance
132,0350number_in_wordsConverts numbers to their word form.
132,0350beastieA command-line issue and bug tracking system
132,0350box-cutterhelper methods for creating boxes
132,0350smsone-smsWell, this abstracts the hard work to get a message out, right!
132,0350rollout-dynamodb_storeAn AWS DynamoDB storage engine for the Rollout gem.
132,0350screenshotA library for taking and cropping screenshots of web pages. It uses Selenium and chunky...
132,0350ruby-apicalypseMore informations related to Apicalypse can be found here: https://apicalypse.io/
132,0350roberobject browser er file reader
132,0350redlicsRedis analytics with tracks (using bitmaps) and counts (using buckets)encoding numbers ...
132,0350soakjust an arp sponge
132,0350volvivolvi gem
132,0350nequiNequi gem provides a convenient way to integrate with Nequi payments systems for proces...
132,0350activeadmin_imagesActive Admin plugin for generate the model of image
132,0350active_metricsMetrics based on ActiveSupport::Notifications
132,0350nci_project_pizzaThis is graph genearating gem which depends on lazy high chart gem
132,0350worTo do description
132,0350groupdocs_assembly_cloudThis SDK allows you to work with GroupDocs.Assembly Cloud REST APIs i...
132,0350OrbjsonLib for creating JSON-RPC server applications.