Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
176721-176740 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171times_retryRetry a code block n times with backoff.
147,2171seed_picThis gem will allow you to have a quick way of seeding image data into your projects
147,2171wsmyth_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
147,2171sluggable_dougThe best slugging gem ever
147,2171connect_four_ab-akhConnect Four - 1 or 2 players
147,2171rbfungeA Befunge interpreter in Ruby
147,2171async-workerNon-blocking thread-pool based workers for blocking operations.
147,2171tippy_tushartutejaA short Summar.
147,2171albiziaA simple gem implementing different kind of tree structures
147,2171translation_serviceConnect a RoR porject to the transaltion service
147,2171vpdimplements schema partitioning for multi-tenancy support in rails. Currently only...
147,2171cocoapods-packager-mCocoaPods plugin which allows you to generate a framework or static library from a pods...
147,2171wdi_api_controllerModifies the api_controller scaffold template, to remove the .require(model_name) in st...
147,2171rescue_time_clientSimple gem to help integrate with RescueTime
147,2171simple-form-datepicker-reloadedDatepicker inputs for SimpleForm, updated for 3.1.0.
147,2171simple_seedsSimple Rails Seeds.. Its that simple
147,2171smartgen_erbUse Erb plugin when generating files with smartgen
147,2171cubaruCubaru is the easiest way to print and mail. See https://www.cubaru.com for details
147,2171voltarVoltar is the mountable engine running the Dealers Portal for Shopbuses