Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
176881-176900 of all 184,353 gems.
51,3230orca_cardDumps information about your ORCA card. ORCA cards are Western Washington's all-in-one...
51,3230bjeanes-geokitGeokit provides geocoding and distance calculation in an easy-to-use API
51,3230campfire_chatMonitor a campfire room for messages to notify via growl
51,3230can_has_validationsAssorted Rails 7.x-8.x validators: Array, Email, Existence, Grandparent, Hash keys, Has...
51,3230gtk_appA ruby-gtk framework
51,3230capistrano-nvm-helperNVM support for Capistrano 3.x
51,3230remi-aimRuby gem for making AIM bots really easy to create
51,3230king_hmacA Ruby Gem for authenticating HTTP requests using a HMAC
51,3230capwxworkSend notification to wxwork about your Rails Capistrano deployment.
51,3230ifchangedCommand line tool that run script when files are changed.
51,3230ichabodIchabod allows headless JavaScript testing using WebKit from the command line.
51,3230tiny-railsA generator for tiny Rails apps
51,3230rubiparaPripara is an excellent Japanese idol anime. When you approve something, let's say 'Kas...
51,3230capistrano-deployment-statusCreates a deployment status page. This page shows what was deployed and who deployed it.
51,3230has_crud_forHasCrudFor is a small meta-programming snippet that adds find_*, build_*, create_*, upd...
51,3230translate_meWith this gem you can translate with Google Translate API.
51,3230capistrano-unicorn-nginx-osxCapistrano tasks for automatic and sensible unicorn + nginx configuraion. This was cust...
51,3230kongnomalRegister your custom job event handler that gets notified upon job event triggered from...
51,3230capistrano-upload-archiveProvides an :upload strategy. Sometimes is usefull to sent only archive file to remote ...
51,3230hobo_ckeditorProvides a rich Hobo text type optimized for use with CKEditor