Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
176901-176920 of all 180,681 gems.
157,4850Thermostat_Joppe_DeclercqHeating on when actualwanted
157,4850temperature_converter_EmielEstUse commands to convert temperatures from different sources
157,4850te3270Automates a 3270 Terminal Emulator
157,4850tesla_apiCheck the state of your Tesla Model S and issue basic commands. Stream data from the ca...
157,4850tentacleDigs YUM repositories to search for RPM packages
157,4850tooky-utterSimple instant deployment for jekyll websites
157,4850thermostat_colin_pelkmansA virtual thermostat that also works with json.
157,4850tpitale-simplest_authSimple implementation of authentication for Rails
157,4850taskitThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
157,4850win2unixA ruby gem which can replace the windows' line breaks into unix line breaks for a folder.
157,4850ucoolucool command for taobao.com
157,4850wrong_answer* http://www.rubysideshow.com/ * http://rubysideshow.rubyforge.org/wrong_answer/ == DE...
157,4850threejs-railsThree.js for Rails
157,4850yamled_aclSimple authorization library for Ruby on Rails in which permissions are stored in YAML ...
157,4850watir-searchA simple web search by Watir
157,4850yandex-metricsGem for interaction with Yandex Metrics API
157,4850subwayrbTesting gemcutter
157,4850unboxed-capistrano-recipesA list of Capistrano recipes that Unboxed Consulting commonly uses
157,4850thermostat-FREDERIK-FEYSA simple ruby thermostat app
157,4850thermostat_drees_camertijnthermostat that receives a json and if it is too cold the heating turns on and if it is...