Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
177141-177160 of all 183,729 gems.
139,2682torqmlTorQML provides an architecture for describing 3D structures in Qt Quick QML and enable...
139,2682exclaimSilly gem that adds random exclamations to the start of strings
139,2682mallcopDon't reinvent the wheel.
139,2682ozeki-smsSimple way to send sms through Ozeki Phone System XE or Ozeki NG SMS Gateway.
139,2682crazydollA plugin oriented IRC bot
139,2682maser-hoptoad-notifier-clientSimple class that sends data to Hoptoad using HTTParty
139,2682backlineBackline is versioned data storage based on Git.
139,2682datadogapiThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
139,2682palindrome_dvsRuby Gem which checks whether the string is palindrome is not
139,2682assert-activerecord4AssertActiveRecord adapter for ActiveRecord 4.
139,2682ghasedakghasedak.io is a provider of mass SMS sending service in Iran and this is the ruby gem ...
139,2682nice_formA form object.
139,2682openai-ruby-clientA Ruby gem designed to provide developers with a convenient and easy-to-use client libr...
139,2682spiegela-jruby-httpclientAn HTTP client designed for use with JRuby in a threaded environment
139,2682helloworldA gem that illustrates how to build a gem
139,2682message-driver-newrelicAdd NewRelic instrumentation to MessageDriver
139,2682halesProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
139,2682asyncronTakes a cron expression, a payload and a callback for later execution
139,2682logstash-filter-korean-jamoThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
139,2682large_csv_readerLarge CSV builder and proccesor, it can help with creation of large csv files, reading ...