Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
177181-177200 of all 183,729 gems.
139,2682nihonjinRuby has the NKF.nkf() method, but the options are unclear by just looking at them, so ...
139,2682annoymehelpfully annoys you on your command line
139,2682motawordGem for interacting with the motaword API
139,2682valo-rcovrcov is a code coverage tool for Ruby. It is commonly used for viewing overall test uni...
139,2682bing_ads_apiRuby wrapper for Bing Ads API
139,2682juice10-action_flowActionFlow provides a simple way to model multi-step processes such as wizards, sign-up...
139,2682wxThis library is work in progress
139,2682strict_statesSafely access state machine states with guarantee that there are no typos. Compatible ...
139,2682testflight_uploadA simple Testflight uploader for when you already have everything built and archived.
139,2682lesslateralLESS is leaner CSS
139,2682ar-validationsThis ActiveRecord extension provides more validation schemes. There are some useful val...
139,2682belphanior-calendar-watcher-servantWatches a specified iCal-format calendar for events. When the time for an event comes, ...
139,2682structura["Reading a Configuration File"]
139,2682my_string_extend_kkgThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
139,2682ngrams-enablerA simple way of getting ngrams out of any given String object. Supports CJK (Chinese, J...
139,2682sutto-oauthOAuth Core Ruby implementation (this fork has em-http-request support, included until t...
139,2682Voker57-reploySimple tool for automation deployment
139,2682mastercard_mawsMasterCard Maws Description
139,2682img-kitUses wkhtmltoimage to create Images using HTML