Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
177201-177220 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830dashing_background_statusThe background color of your widget (between green & red) is set according to the value...
74,4830dalbaqui-sanitize_emailallows you to play with your application's email abilities without worrying that emails...
74,4830rsanheim-amazon-ec2An interface library that allows Ruby applications to easily connect to the HTTP 'Query...
74,4830custom_reportUse CustomReports to get a good quick glipse into your application data.
74,4830daemon_signalsThere are times when you need to restart threads and jobs if your process is daemonized...
74,4830daily_recipesA randomly selected recipe from pinchofyum.com delivered with the option to see the rec...
74,4830dandelion_s0A kind of Rack-Rscript web server which facilitates static files, basic authentication,...
74,4830cyclical_cube_sumVisit http://home.earthlink.net/~bobseller1/id89.html for a more-detailed description
74,4830danabr75-ashtonFORKED TO USE A DIFFERENT OPENGL DEPENDENCY: Extra special effects, such as shader, for...
74,4830daqing_kramdownkramdown is yet-another-markdown-parser but fast, pure Ruby, using a strict syntax defi...
74,4830winton-captchaA Google-style captcha for enterprise Rails apps
74,4830datastructurePlease feel free to use on your projects. If there any changes you would like to add, p...
74,4830dashtDasht is a framework for building beautiful, developer-focused application dashboards. ...
74,4830pansophy_authenticatorBy configuring a set of applications authentication keys in a filestored in an S3 bucke...
74,4830nbuilderThrough a fluent, extensible interface, NBuilder allows you to rapidly create tes...
74,4830ember-rails-liteEmber for Rails 3.1+ without ActiveModel::Serializers
74,4830InlineFortran== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Very rudimentary right now. Needs some love. == SYNOPSYS: in...
74,4830nested_listA Nested list is library that allow to generate a set of options to use it in simple se...
74,4830fed_spendingA Code for America sponsored Ruby wrapper for the FedSpending API. See FedSpending.org ...