Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178441-178460 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830jloggerInclude in your modules to get a defaul 'log' object; then use it to log stuff
74,4830pdf_thumbnailerTakes a folder structure of PDF files and generates thumbnail images for all pages of a...
74,4830pdf_to_swf-paperclip-processorThis gem is simple Paperclip processor which uses swftools to convert uploaded pdf file...
74,4830green_onionUI testing/screenshot diffing tool
74,4830snifflesSniffles helps you detect which popular CMS, analytics, and advertising platforms a web...
74,4830periodicoPeriodico is a lightweight pub/sub framework that leverages self-registration and depen...
74,4830sednaRuby extension that provides a client library for the Sedna XML DBMS, making use of the...
74,4830jquery-baconipsum-railsjQuery File Upload by Rocco Stanzione integrated for Rails 4 Asset Pipeline
74,4830penniesAlways ensure accuracy in financial calculations to avoid losing even a single penny.
74,4830winton-attachment_fuTreat an ActiveRecord model as a file attachment, storing its patch, size, content type...
74,4830peoplehrA library for interacting with the PeopleHR API to export and manipulate employee and o...
74,4830simple_search_likeSimple hash-based search for ActiveRecord. Also see Scoped Search.
74,4830rubygems-mygemsNever install a gem again..
74,4830legal_markdownThis gem will parse YAML Front Matter of Markdown Documents. Typically, this gem would ...
74,4830ObjectProxyObjectProxy provides a proxied interface to Ruby objects. It lets you add methods to o...
74,4830perforce2svnIt loads each revision in a Perforce repository sequentially and commits each change in...
74,4830globally_unique_recordAn AR abstract superclass that features a UUID as the default 'id' column, and a genera...
74,4830dorkInstead of installing DOT everywhere and eating memory and CPU on those machines, make ...
74,4830extra_sanitizeExtra sanitize your database columns
74,4830flatbedA ruby library for video editing and assembly using ffmpeg