Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178501-178520 of all 183,695 gems.
60,9750stattrStattr is a Gem that includes a number of useful functions for rolling dice in a game l...
60,9750pdfs2pdfCombine multiple pdf files into a single file with combined table of content for quick ...
60,9750paho-railsThis is a simple asset gem to add Paho library to rails. Paho is a javascript library t...
60,9750inploy_godlikeManage deployed services through god service monitoring system
60,9750barista_growlProvides Growl notifications when CoffeeScript compilation fails.
60,9750westarete-activerecord_null_objectImplements the Null Object Pattern for nil values in ActiveRecord associations.
60,9750sensu-plugins-elasticsearchThis plugin provides native ElasticSearch instrumentation ...
60,9750passive-dnsThis provides interfaces to various passive DNS databases to do the query and to normal...
60,9750glideallows you to get quotes from the glide api for the services required in one go and sum...
60,9750pathf_validatorSome extra sensible validations
60,9750respond_to_missingDefines Object#respond_to_missing? and patches Object#respond_to? unless this functiona...
60,9750ruby_channelA way to use channels in Ruby, inspired by Google's Go and Ilya Grigorik's gem 'agent'
60,9750starfishStarfish is a utility to make distributed programming ridiculously easy.
60,9750imap_ticklerimap_tickler is a utility that ticklers your 43 folders style mailfolders. It expects t...
60,9750gravityA simple gravatar plugin for Rails.
60,9750vet-ciVetCI is a continuous intergration system. It's a work in progress, so documentation is...
60,9750verbVerb is Rack middleware that serves RHTML files.
60,9750periodicoPeriodico is a lightweight pub/sub framework that leverages self-registration and depen...
60,9750penniesAlways ensure accuracy in financial calculations to avoid losing even a single penny.
60,9750stsplatformThis gem allows you to access the STS Platform API. For more information visit http://d...