Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178461-178480 of all 183,707 gems.
49,1800rbpad'rbpad' is a programming editor for Ruby using Ruby/GTK3 and Ruby/GtkSourceView3
49,1800random_methodsAdds simple methods toFixnum, Float, Array and String classes, will document later.
49,1800asir_resqueResque transport for ASIR
49,1800okumanenJapanese currency string convert method
49,1800realityReality provides access to knowledge about real world (like geography, history, peo...
49,1800rblinesRblines produces a Markdown text showing the differences between two strings/text. Clon...
49,1800random-passwordRandomPassword.generate(strength = 8) method provides you with a tottally random 8 lett...
49,1800recordkeeperBuilt to mimic Python's counter method. This gem monkey patches a method to the Array ...
49,1800react-autocomplete-railsRails wrapper for React Autocomplete JavaScript library (https://github.com/reactjs/rea...
49,1800rails_debugging_toolbarThis tool helps you dig deeper through the Rails rendering stack using just your browser.
49,1800ratnikov-active_record_base_without_tableAllows to use ActiveRecord::Base functionality without database table
49,1800dylanvaughn-bluepillBluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a...
49,1800gem-initRubygems plugin to assist in creating a barebones gem
49,1800ruck-ugenA ruck shreduler and mini audio unit generator framework inspired by ChucK. Inclu...
49,1800riot-railsUse the fast, expressive and concise Riot unit-testing framework to test your Rails app...
49,1800singuAn opinionated Sinatra and Angular.js structure
49,1800jellyfish-provisionerProvide Provisioner helper class needed for Jellyfish modules adding product types
49,1800rcgtkThe Ruby Code Generation Toolkit provides classes for generating LLVM IR and native obj...
49,1800record_linkageA library to do record linkage Comparing objects to determine which are the same
49,1800activerecord-has_one_defaultsAdds a :default => true, or :default => {attributes} options to has_one associations th...