Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178521-178540 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830quietlyQuietly aims to make dealing with IO redirection easy. It originally started as a simpl...
74,4830puppet-lint-param_comment-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check that manifest files contain properly formatted @param com...
74,4830puppet_docker_toolsUtilities for building and publishing the docker images at https://hub.docker.com/u/puppet
74,4830queriesEasier interface for activerecord querying
74,4830quarryQuarry is a small collection of libraries to facilitate Ruby project development, testi...
74,4830push-corePush daemon for push notification services like APNS (iOS/Apple) and GCM/C2DM (Android).
74,4830fb-localizerConverts from Ruby's locale to the nearest Facebook's locale. This way you can localize...
74,4830dnsomaticA DNS-O-Matic Update Client
74,4830virastarcleanning up Persian text!
74,4830elastictasticElastictastic is an object-document mapper and lightweight API adapter for ElasticSearc...
74,4830mimer_plusFind the mime-type of a file using unix' `file` command. This does not look at file ext...
74,4830yakischloba-em-croncron-style methods for timers in EventMachine
74,4830yakischloba-ktoolsBringing common kernel APIs into Ruby using FFI
74,4830quicktableUse quicktable to easily create CRUD tables from your models. Saves you a trip to the c...
74,4830pxdoppelgangerpXdoppelganger compares two images and can tell you the exact difference (in % of pixel...
74,4830qiny_sunspot_solrSunspot::Solr provides a bundled Solr distribution for use with Sunspot. Typical de...
74,4830rails-servicesServices Description for Rails 3.0.3+ or 2.3.8+
74,4830ripl-ripperThis ripl plugin gives ripl multi-line eval ability using ripper.
74,4830ruby-oci8-masterruby-oci8 is a ruby interface for Oracle using OCI8 API. It is available with Oracle8, ...
74,4830feedback_popupSimple feedback popup for Rails 3 applications.