Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178601-178620 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830matriarchGTraits is component system for Ruby that sections a class into a matrix of Method x Pr...
74,4830help_spotAPI wrapper for HelpSpot
74,4830drnic-picklerSynchronize between Cucumber and Pivotal Tracker
74,4830free-scrapeA web-scraping interface to freebase.com, the open and shared database of the world's k...
74,4830image-optimizerOptimizes given JPEG and PNG images or images in given folder. Uses several encoders fo...
74,4830hashutilsHashutils is a collection of utilities for dealing with hashes. Most remarkable f...
74,4830qu-airbrakeAirbrake failure backend for qu
74,4830got_fixedBuild a public dashboard of your private issue tracker
74,4830activemerchant_moneybookersAdds Moneybookers payment gateway support to ActiveMerchant library
74,4830yarderReplaces the default string based Ruby on Rails logging system with a JSON based one
74,4830watir-schemaThe gem is able to run around the clock with report at least every hour. Run of the scr...
74,4830mkdtempmkdtemp is a C extension that wraps the Standard C Library function of the same nam...
74,4830add_thisSimple API connector for getting analytic data from AddThis
74,4830event_dispatcherevent_dispatcher gem provides a simple observer implementation, allowing you to subscri...
74,4830powershopAllows Ruby applications to communicate with the Powershop API
74,4830rack-httperflograck middleware to generate a replay log
74,4830decaptcherDecaptcher Gem
74,4830wurfl_storeWurfl Redis Store
74,4830docomo_web_mailerDocomo Web Mail ( http://dwmail.jp/ ) をRubyからいじることの出来るライブラリです。現在は受信のみ対応しており、送信や削除することは出...