Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178601-178620 of all 184,353 gems.
51,3230steamcannon-thinA thin and fast web server
51,3230emonti-ffi_dryProvides a some useful modules, classes, and methods as well as a DSL-like syntax for F...
51,3230emonti-jdi_hookJdiHook is a ruby-scriptable Java debugger based on and around Sun's Java Debugging In...
51,3230nakajima-protocovThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
51,3230nfeplace-clientGem to interact with NFEPlace SOAP API. Enables creation, consultation and import of in...
51,3230vincentchu-oauthOAuth Core Ruby implementation
51,3230nest-redisIt is a design pattern in key-value databases to use the key to simulate structure, and...
51,3230nfse-cariocaNFSeCarioca é um cliente ruby com foco na geração da Nota Carioca
51,3230roo-andyw8Roo can access the contents of various spreadsheet files. It can handle * OpenOffice * ...
51,3230natspecnatspec - natural specification (comments) parser / machinery; document application bin...
51,3230simplyretsThis gem provides a SimplyRETS SDK for creating real estate software with RETS data
51,3230betsmart-gridWrite a gem description
51,3230radiant-help-extensionHelp Documentation for Radiant CMS!
51,3230tremolo-railsRails integration with Tremolo for seamless Influxdb measurement.
51,3230rubarbThis library uses two socket connections between a client and a server. One is used for...
51,3230scoldHound-like Rubocop utility.
51,3230simple_cancanA simpler cancan for padrino
51,3230nested_valueAccess values hidden in deeply nested data structures with ease and without fear.
51,3230livecodeA toolkit for livecoding using Ruby and TextMate on OSX
51,3230neapolitanNeapolitan is a meta-templating engine. Like a candy store it allows you to pick and ch...