Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178541-178560 of all 184,353 gems.
51,3230vlsyncSync VLC playback across multiple computers
51,3230sqlikiGenerates code for (primative) a SQL-based wiki within your Rails app.
51,3230clicoderMake it easy to deal with online programming contests from the command line
51,3230javascript_eraserRack middleware to simulate what happens when a user disables Javascript.
51,3230crm_integrationA simple CRM integration for test
51,3230logstash-output-xlsThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
51,3230superfeedr-em-redisAn eventmachine-based implementation of the Redis protocol
51,3230bpmachineIncludes a DSL for business process specification. The process state is persistent, whi...
51,3230monkeywrenchA ruby API for managing lists, campaigns, subscribers, etc. within Mailchimp (http://ww...
51,3230modsumThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
51,3230idealian-git-pivotalA collection of git utilities to ease integration with Pivotal Tracker
51,3230jmcnevin-delayed_jobDelayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...
51,3230git_hubSimple interface to github API
51,3230rspec-smart-formatterWhen you run individual specs, I want to see documentation output, because it shows bet...
51,3230mark_as_deletedA simple gem that adds mark_as_deleted ActiveRecord macro. Models having this are not a...
51,3230set-combinationDefined Set#* and returns a Set::Combination
51,3230distribustreamDistribuStream is a fully open peercasting system allowing on-demand or live streaming ...
51,3230say_gemsimple gem
51,3230levenshtein-extendedThe levenshtein module implements fast Damerau-Levenshtein edit distance computation in...
51,3230markdown-testsuiteAn API for the Markdown Testsuite