Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178561-178580 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830mogo24rmogo24r is mogo2API-library for ruby. mogo2 is Japanese micro-blog.
74,4830webget_ruby_person_nameWebGet Ruby Gem: PersonName mixin methods to calculate a person's full name, sortable n...
74,4830depagerA self extensible parser generator.
74,4830orangeweb_bootstrap_helperHelpers that makes easier the use of Twitter Bootstrap with Ruby on Rails
74,4830palA miniature Ruby read-evaluate-print loop for project-specific shells.
74,4830rack-restful-controllerRack application, "RESTful" Rails style.
74,4830rabbit-slide-kenhys-groonga-osc2013-spring2013年2月22日、2月23日にわたって開催されたOSC 2013 Tokyo/Sprintにて行われた 第8回 日本OSS貢献者賞・奨励賞 授賞式後の懇親会でのLTです。
74,4830open_graph_protocolA gem to facilitate populating the open graph protocol metatags on a web page as part o...
74,4830zipmarkSimple Client Library to connect to the Zipmark API
74,4830fabulator-exhibitProvides language extensions to manage Exhibit-style NoSQL databases.
74,4830jsexpjson schemas with s-expressions
74,4830liquid-inheritanceAdds Django style template inheritance to Liquid
74,4830irb_callbacks* http://rubysideshow.rubyforge.org/irb_callbacks == DESCRIPTION: This gem adds callb...
74,4830heart_vbulletin4HeartVbulletin4 plugs metrics into HEART (https://github.com/cwabbott/heart) for your v...
74,4830locale_detectorParses HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE http header and sets the I18n.locale based on that, if it's...
74,4830file_transfer_mixinA mixin to include in various libraries to allow you to easily send/retrieve files from...
74,4830deferrable_gratificationDeferrable Gratification (DG) facilitates asynchronous programming in Ruby, by helping ...
74,4830fucking_goddamn_newSwear in your code!