Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178641-178660 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830limgurCLI to Imgur, letting you upload and delete images. If you've got scrot installed, you...
74,4830sinatra-packratPackrat is a Sinantra extension based around the idea of mixing and matching. With Pack...
74,4830knife-statsProvides usage stats for Opscode Chef roles, cookbooks and environments
74,4830lumberjack-dslLumberjack is best summed up as a generic DSL for constructing object trees. It works ...
74,4830mr_freezeObject#freeze! freezes the contents of arrays and hashes
74,4830finalist-wkhtmltopdfProvides binaries for WKHTMLTOPDF project in an easily accessible package.
74,4830evalmimicEvalmimic allow the implementation of eval like methods, solves the common problem of b...
74,4830rabbit-slide-znz-frozen_string_literalruby 2.3.0 で追加された `frozen_string_literal` についてちょっと詳しく話します。
74,4830rabbit-slide-znz-lilo-20220205[LILO&東海道らぐオンラインミーティング 2022-02-05](https://lilo.connpass.com/event/237592/)の発表資料です。
74,4830periodic_counterMaintains period fields on any counter column in your database
74,4830depwhackdepwhack is a tool for comparing local and remote gem dependencies for a Rails project.
74,4830donors_chooseA gem to wrap the DonorsChoose.org API.
74,4830rabbit-slide-znz-kansaidebian-lt-20180624[第136回関西Debian勉強会 + Linux Kernel 勉強会 LT大会](https://debianjp.connpass.com/event/90376/)で...
74,4830rabbit-slide-znz-lilo-20240427[LILO&東海道らぐオフラインミーティング 2024-04-27](https://lilo.connpass.com/event/316818/)での発表資料です。
74,4830readita simple readability api client
74,4830jasmine-blanketMake it easy to work with Blanket.js and Jasmine 2.0
74,4830smartfoxProvides a client library for the SmartFox realtime communication server, including Blu...