Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178701-178720 of all 183,695 gems.
60,9750hatenagraphupUpdating Hatena Graph via HTTP.
60,9750rb.rotateMore modern alternative to classical 'logrotate' tool with more features and less limit...
60,9750benhoskings-ambitious-activerecordAn ambitious adapter for ActiveRecord
60,9750jiraA command line interface to the JIRA issue tracking system
60,9750amnesiaWith Amnesia you'll know exactly whats happening with memory when it comes to memcached.
60,9750hashutilsHashutils is a collection of utilities for dealing with hashes. Most remarkable f...
60,9750blinkshotbest thing since sliced bread
60,9750birlingMostly drop-in replacement for Logger with a more robust log rotation facility
60,9750spree_product_testimonialsWith this gem you get management tools to make it very easy to update your product test...
60,9750ratom-sslA fast Atom Syndication and Publication API based on libxml
60,9750altflightsKayak alternative flights wrapper
60,9750alfred-workflowalfred-workflow is a ruby Gem helper for building [Alfred](http://www.alfredapp.com) wo...
60,9750burstsmsRuby Interface for the Burst SMS gateway
60,9750runtexrunTeX - Translate (La)TeX-files as often as needed. The further development for this g...
60,9750bellowsCLI to drive SmokeStack test creation and maintenance based on Gerrit reviews.
60,9750amblingAmbling is a rails plugin makes it easy to generate XML needed by the wonderfully slick...
60,9750overridableOverridable is a pure ruby library which helps you to make your methods which are defin...
60,9750steam_communityLookup steam player profile information such as games, achievements and friends.
60,9750asearchApproximate pat match.
60,9750guard-rubyGuard::Ruby is for running simple ruby files that don't necessarily have a separate...