Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178741-178760 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830rdoctestScans RDoc text for examples and tests them.
74,4830rambling-slider-railsThe rambling-slider-rails is a gem aimed to automate the usage of the jQuery Rambling S...
74,4830rake_multi_dbSimple interactive rake task to automatically drop/migrate/drop & migrate test and ...
74,4830rbsimYou can model your distributed infrastructora and application and simulate its behavior...
74,4830ralyxa-lambdaA Ruby framework for interacting with Amazon Alexa. Designed to work with Sinatra, alth...
74,4830rbpad'rbpad' is a programming editor for Ruby using Ruby/GTK3 and Ruby/GtkSourceView3
74,4830razor'Razor is a static website generator. Describe layouts and pages in ruby. Write them wi...
74,4830rbook-pacstreamThis library is designed to assist with using the PACSTREAM electronic ordering service...
74,4830event_calendarGenerates HTML event calendars
74,4830ratnikov-active_record_base_without_tableAllows to use ActiveRecord::Base functionality without database table
74,4830singuAn opinionated Sinatra and Angular.js structure
74,4830ruby-slippersA ruby and rack based blog engine for heroku
74,4830smsone-smsWell, this abstracts the hard work to get a message out, right!
74,4830rb-readline-r7The readline library provides a pure Ruby implementation of the GNU readline C library,...
74,4830rcgtkThe Ruby Code Generation Toolkit provides classes for generating LLVM IR and native obj...
74,4830record_linkageA library to do record linkage Comparing objects to determine which are the same
74,4830random_methodsAdds simple methods toFixnum, Float, Array and String classes, will document later.
74,4830realityReality provides access to knowledge about real world (like geography, history, peo...
74,4830random-passwordRandomPassword.generate(strength = 8) method provides you with a tottally random 8 lett...
74,4830gem-etagsAutomatic etags generation on gem install