Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178781-178800 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830relational-auditAudit for entities not for table. Entity consists of information from multiple related ...
74,4830reillywj_voteableMy first ruby gem. A boolean voting gem that adds up trues and subtracts falses.
74,4830regenbogenschmetterlingeinhornkatzchenWraper around couple of vagrant and docker files
74,4830reel-dslURI-based CRUD endpoint routing for Reel; supporting HTTP/S requests, Web Sockets, and ...
74,4830dineromailIntegration with dineromail plataform for rails projects
74,4830jekyll-asset-pipelineAdds asset preprocessing (CoffeeScript, Sass, Less, ERB, etc.) and asset compression/mi...
74,4830marutoMagento Ruby Tools
74,4830refinerycms-imajaxReplacing default bulk image uploading with an Ajaxy, one by one, upload method to prev...
74,4830vpnmakerhaml templates and key tracking
74,4830sinatra-authentication-oranSimple authentication plugin for sinatra.
74,4830redis-cleanerA Ruby gem for cleaning up of Redis keys by pattern matching. Handles huge amounts of k...
74,4830uuid_helperHelpers to use UUID with uuidtools
74,4830vagrant-syncrsync for Vagrant
74,4830openlogic-couchrest_modelCouchRest Model provides aditional features to the standard CouchRest Document class su...
74,4830ringbarker== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Parses the Rails log. * Recognises Processing...Completed bloc...
74,4830resque-admin-schedulerLight weight job scheduling on top of ResqueAdmin. Adds methods enqueue_at/enqueue_...
74,4830required_query_attributesEnforces the presence of specific columns in SELECT queries. Useful when you have perfo...
74,4830rhythm_is_a_dancerThe world's only & most performant library to find out if Rhythm is a dancer.
74,4830reprefix修改文件前缀,可以把当前文件夹和子文件夹下的的文件内容前缀和文件名前缀做替换 Usage: $reprefix old_prefix new_prefix old_pr...
74,4830rholidaysRholidays ermittelt Ferientermine (zum Beispiel Sommerferien in Bayern im Jahr 2011)