Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178761-178780 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830rcommonsmathA thin jruby wrapper for commons-math (mainly just a way to load the jars in a structur...
74,4830gravelpup-rails3_acts_as_paranoidActive Record (>=3.0) plugin which allows you to hide and restore records without actua...
74,4830readonly_partyThis is meant to be used in the same way as HTTParty and uses it under the covers. Exce...
74,4830nxa-sunspotSunspot is a library providing a powerful, all-ruby API for the Solr search engine. Sun...
74,4830redis_rdsRedisRds provides Ruby interfaces for data structures like String or Hash stored in Redis.
74,4830remote_entityUsing configuration style to generate Ruby classes and methods that wrap the API calls ...
74,4830repeat_testYou can repeat tests you specified.
74,4830recursive-open-struct-sdRecursiveOpenStruct is a subclass of OpenStruct. It differs from OpenStruct in that it ...
74,4830remogatto-ffi-openglffi-opengl is an autogenerated[1] ruby FFI interface towards OpenGL libraries (GL, GLU,...
74,4830yt-annotationsA Ruby library to retrieve every type of annotation from any YouTube video, includi...
74,4830refinerycms-settings-initializerAdds an initializer to a Rails project using RefineryCMS that reads in a YAML configura...
74,4830indis-machoMach-o format processor for indis provides support for loading mach-o binaries for anal...
74,4830renderablerenderable provides a simple hook for ActiveRecord that converts Textile to HTML when t...
74,4830zipfianZipfian distribution
74,4830refinerycms-image-galleryImage Gallery for RefineryCMS that supports another fields like author, subtitles etc.
74,4830red_labelExtends rails to fully leverage inheritence chiefly in regards to views including mailers.
74,4830redis-schedulerA simple, production-ready chronological scheduler for Redis. It allows you to schedule...
74,4830zazzThe zazz gem provides an ever-growing collection of Sass mixins to solve layout problem...
74,4830remote_resourceAccess remote resources with OOP interface
74,4830redsonRedson is a browser based MVC component framework written in Ruby using the Opal ruby-t...