Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178841-178860 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830pinboard_toolsAuto-tagger with embedly support, safari reading list importer, dead link remover
74,4830yakrYakr is a minimalist network tool for forwarding command output or arbitrary data to a ...
74,4830rp_clustering-rgeo-activerecordA RGeo PostGIS extension to provide Active Record (Model) clustering functionality
74,4830play-tmdbPlay with the tmdb api.
74,4830rubygems-isitjrubyOnce the gem is installed, in every gem install command you'll get a message with info ...
74,4830rl_hiya_pedro_duranThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
74,4830olympeOlympe-Network.com CLI
74,4830rubloxThis gem allows easy interaction with the Roblox web API via modules and classes.
74,4830rspec_table_formattera simple gem to output the rspec run summery in markdown table formatso you can copy pa...
74,4830rubizonA Ruby interface to Amazon Web Services. Rubizon separates creating a properly-formed,...
74,4830pocketknifepocketknife is a devops tool for managing computers running chef-solo, powered by Opsco...
74,4830has-attachedActiveRecordSchema attachments with Paperclip
74,4830rubocop-kobusGem containing Kobus Post's personal Rubocop config. Based on rubocop-shopify.
74,4830ruboty-responderRuboty to respond to specific kewords listed in json
74,4830rspec_database_helperSmall helper that helps organize definitions of FactoryBot.create methods in elegant way
74,4830grasshopperA tiny mocking framework focused on the Arrange-Act-Assert test pattern. Grasshopper is...
74,4830local_evalinstance_eval without changing self
74,4830active_scaffold_generatorThis generator creates a controller with the given name and adds an active_scaffold dec...
74,4830rsutphin-cf_case_checkA utility which walks a ColdFusion application's source and determines which includes, ...
74,4830rspec-visualAdds 'visual' specs and matchers that take screenshots of the...