Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178921-178940 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830sayso-routing-filterRouting filters wraps around the complex beast that the Rails routing system is, allowi...
74,4830has-many-with-setA smarter way of doing many-to-many relationships in Rails.
74,4830allsum-clientCompute MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and fuzzyhash (CTPH) of specified filetypes in specified dire...
74,4830omniture_testRspec Test for Omniture Integrations
74,4830grockit-resqueThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
74,4830quickieQuickie adds Object#should, Object#should_not, and Object#stub methods for quick and ea...
74,4830sensu-plugins-barman-checksThis plugin provides checking of Barman PostgreSQL backup...
74,4830scribelitescribelite gem - inscription / inscribe (ethscription calldata) database for ethereum &...
74,4830self-notifoThe self-notifo gem sends notifications to your own Notifo account from your Rails appl...
74,4830karsthammer-inherited_resourcesInherited Resources speeds up development by making your controllers inherit all restfu...
74,4830scottmotte-merb-auth-moretemporary merb-auth-more for my purposes to use mongomapper
74,4830logical_authzLogicalAuthorization allows authorization in a finely grained framework, including AC...
74,4830sensu-extensions-check-depsFilter events when event exists and post message to Slack
74,4830yasmBreaks up states, actions, and contexts into seperate [email protected]
74,4830validate_uniqueness_of_in_memoryUse this gem to validate uniqueness in memory
74,4830sections_railsSections_rails adds infrastructure to the view layer of Ruby on Rails. It allows to def...
74,4830history_fileA File like class that supports versioning by date and has a fallback to older files
74,4830seedifyLet your seed code become a first-class member of the Rails app and put it into seed ob...
74,4830iisadminmanager IIS Web Server
74,4830simple_gcmsimple_gcm sends push notifications to Android devices via google GCM