Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179001-179020 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830simple_listing_railsThis gem provides easy and flexible way to write listing actions in your Rails app. It ...
74,4830similarityTextCoefficientsEnter two strings and it compares their similarity and gives a score between 0 and 1, w...
74,4830simplecov_s3_codeclimateMerges simplecov output using S3 as shared storage. Once all coverage is compiled, push...
74,4830simpler_commandYet another simple and standardized way to build and use Commands (aka Service Objects)
74,4830simple_update_fieldYour resources text attributes will gain inplace update ability with keybindings for qu...
74,4830MockActiveRecordMock ActiveRecord Classes
74,4830simple_xurrency_buntineA really easy interface to the Xurrency API. It's Ruby 1.8, 1.9 and JRuby compatible an...
74,4830omniauth-google-apiThis tool will enable you to pull google+ and eventual all of its api
74,4830sidekiq_parameters_loggingSidekiq::Paramters::Logging middleware to log parameters passsed to each worker.
74,4830fio_parserGem for parsing monthly statements from the Fio Bank CZ. Supports CSV, GPC and email fo...
74,4830rails-clean-logsCleans up rails logs by removing assets.
74,4830right_slicehost== DESCRIPTION: The RightScale Slicehost gem has been designed to provide a robust int...
74,4830sinatra-errorcodes"sinatra-errorcodes is the sinatra extension that contains a pack of HTTP error status ...
74,4830sitemap_updaterEach sitemap consists of up tp 5000 URLs and the file name is 'the specified sitemap na...
74,4830glib-eventableThis is a helper gem for ruby-gnome2 applications that allows developers to easily conn...
74,4830sml-flickrAn insanely easy interface to the Flickr photo-sharing service. By Scott Raymond. Maint...
74,4830sip2-rubyA library and executables for parsing and encoding SIP2 messages (a standard for da...
74,4830singledevSingle dev
74,4830snailgun-rrSnailgun accelerates the startup of Ruby applications which require large numbers of li...
74,4830slack_bot-eventsDescribe the gem here