Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178981-179000 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830one_conf_compareclass to enable comparision between url api that return json and file system files
74,4830dropbox-aliixAn easy-to-use client library for the official Dropbox API.
74,4830silicaWeb application framework spcialized for the single page applications using Opalrb.
74,4830simple_event_sourcingThis gem provides a simple way for add events sourcing related behaviour to your models...
74,4830simple_termYou can manage the beginning and ending date time of a term. You can also check whether...
74,4830simple_notificationsA very simple gem providing the notifications functionality to any model in a Rails app...
74,4830sidekiq_heroSidekiq middleware that fire a notification when a flagged worker has ended its job, su...
74,4830fractal-matchersRspec matchers used in fractalgarden.com
74,4830google-site-searchA gem to aid in the consumption of the google site search service; querys the service, ...
74,4830nbp_exchangeGet average exchange rate for PLN polski zloty from specific date. This lib wraps http:...
74,4830simplerdbTest your SimpleDB application offline
74,4830sidekiq_lockable_jobSidekiq includes a jobs dependencies mechanism to prevent a job from running before ano...
74,4830silk_iconsThe Silk icon set is a collection of 1,000 16x16 PNG icons created by Mark James. This ...
74,4830debug_logAllows you to easily and readably printout variable values (or any other Ruby expressio...
74,4830hash-that-treeCommand line app that produces the MD5 hash of all files in a set of folders
74,4830signed_requestA simple gem that allows you to sign HTTP requests between two parties with a shared se...
74,4830simple_form_datetimepickerBeautifies the default datetime input for SimpleForm
74,4830simd_string_upcaseA SIMD-optimized replacement for Ruby's String#length method for x86_64 architectures
74,4830knoc-knocA library to tell you who is there.
74,4830soft_destroyableRails 3 ActiveRecord compatible soft destroy implementation supporting dependent associ...