Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178981-179000 of all 184,353 gems.
51,3230ratom-sslA fast Atom Syndication and Publication API based on libxml
51,3230birlingMostly drop-in replacement for Logger with a more robust log rotation facility
51,3230burstsmsRuby Interface for the Burst SMS gateway
51,3230got_fixedBuild a public dashboard of your private issue tracker
51,3230rack_respond_to_malformed_formatsRails currently returns HTML 500 responses when sent unparsable XML and JSON and gives ...
51,3230remotebackupversion backup tool using scp.
51,3230watir-schemaThe gem is able to run around the clock with report at least every hour. Run of the scr...
51,3230bellowsCLI to drive SmokeStack test creation and maintenance based on Gerrit reviews.
51,3230infinity_testInfinity Test is a continuous testing library and a flexible alternative to Autotest, u...
51,3230hashutilsHashutils is a collection of utilities for dealing with hashes. Most remarkable f...
51,3230dadaA library for interfacing with the Dada Entertainment API.
51,3230steam_communityLookup steam player profile information such as games, achievements and friends.
51,3230asearchApproximate pat match.
51,3230decaptcherDecaptcher Gem
51,3230rushourGem that controlls when OpenTTD should be paused
51,3230mina-sneakersSneakers tasks for Mina
51,3230graysky-translatorTranslator makes using Rails internationalization simpler
51,3230murmurRuby client for controlling and querying Murmur
51,3230fragmented_validationFragmentedValidation allows your model to only validate selected attributes.
51,3230knife-saved_searchAllows one to save searches against a Chef server and execute them later.