Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178941-178960 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830dot_notationSimple-ish enumberable-simplifier. Useful for APIs like Twitter, etc If you have a has...
74,4830scoverageScoverage is a Ruby utility for parsing scoverage.xml from scalac-scoverage-plugin and ...
74,4830send_file_with_correct_file_namesend_file or send_data using utf-8 file name with multi-browser compatible
74,4830select2_railsSelect2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote d...
74,4830sensu-plugins-network-interfaceThis plugin provides facilities to monitoring network interfaces on Linux
74,4830seed_trayA small, convention-based library for implementing view specific javascript.
74,4830evented-gearman-rubyLibrary for the Gearman distributed job system
74,4830link_finderИскалка ссылок на сайтах
74,4830shadowsocks_rubyShadowsocksRuby is a SOCKS (layer 4) like tunnel proxy to help you bypass firewalls.
74,4830sequel-tablefuncSequel extension that facilitates using crosstab function in postgres
74,4830shaider-studentsThis gem contains models and controllers for students app. You need to make your own vi...
74,4830session_attributesStore attributes in handy singletons for Rails/ActionDispatch sessions
74,4830set_git_hooks_dirset_git_hooks_dir is a deadly simple gem to configure your Git hooks on package install...
74,4830showruby tool for quick debug print statements, like: show(a, b) (prints out '[spec.analyze...
74,4830shillingshilling (or schilling) on the blockchain! rock-solid alpine dollar from austria; print...
74,4830session_loggerA simple rails engine that makes logging and testing easier
74,4830ship_compliantThe ShipCompliant gem is an API Client for the SOAP API provided by ShipCompliant. This...
74,4830sidekiq-dejavuDejavu uses Sidkiq's internal scheduling so it doesn't need its own clock and integrate...
74,4830shooting_match_finderThis RubyGem presents a list of shooting competitions in your area by scraping ...
74,4830shatter-railsShatter is a generator for Rails that seperates an existing model logic into separate f...