Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178941-178960 of all 183,695 gems.
60,9750tmdb-easyUse tmdb API easily
60,9750copaAPI in Ruby to acess data of copatransparente.org.br
60,9750short_stackA short sinatra like pancake stack
60,9750rubyplotsRubyPlots can be set loose on a directory of datafiles or a singluar datafile. It uses...
60,9750rolesCounterVerifies that the string of roles is valid and counts the ocurrence...
60,9750ripta-clamavClamAV Ruby binding. Based on project clamavr-0.2.0 http://raa.ruby-lang.org/project/cl...
60,9750rosefinch[Experimenting!] Classy Web framework like sinatra.Small, beautiful and easy to use.
60,9750custom_change_messagesChange history for ActiveRecord models in a customisable format, making user friendly l...
60,9750pr-m3Attempt to bring all open pull requests in a project up to date with the main branch in...
60,9750tsetGenerate tests for your Rails model. Enter Development Driven Test.
60,9750yotsubaYotsuba facilitates getting download links from the DomDomSoft Anime Downloader server.
60,9750Ifd_MobileBehavior driven development (BDD) approach to write automation test script to test Mobile.
60,9750rotten-tomatoesAllows you to search and get information about movies from rottentomatoes.com. Organiz...
60,9750rspec-activerecord-formatterCreates a new formatter for ActiveRecord that can help you diagnose performance issues ...
60,9750rlp-literlp-lite - light-weight machinery to serialize / deserialze via rlp (recursive length p...
60,9750s3uploadA jQuery plugin for direct upload to an Amazon S3 bucket.
60,9750hash_transformeruse a dsl to create hash transformers which transform hashes by applying a sequence of ...
60,9750rrailsremote run rails/rake command
60,9750play-tmdbPlay with the tmdb api.
60,9750rocky-kloutQuick, easy access to the Klout.com API. Loosely based on the Klout gem by Jason Torres...