Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179021-179040 of all 184,353 gems.
51,3230subdlA simple hello world gem
51,3230mongoid_alphadogA simple little gem that makes it easy to handle case-insensitive alphabetizing for Mon...
51,3230ParseUserAgentParseUserAgent is a library for parsing HTTP User Agent strings. It provides access to ...
51,3230knife-statsProvides usage stats for Opscode Chef roles, cookbooks and environments
51,3230lumberjack-dslLumberjack is best summed up as a generic DSL for constructing object trees. It works ...
51,3230rstackrstack is a Ruby wrapper for the Stack Exchange API
51,3230rspec-liveContinually updating console output for RSpec 3+
51,3230menu-cliManages a list of releases of software versions stored on S3
51,3230muxerMuxer allows timeouts to be set for each request made in addition to a global timeout f...
51,3230rails-es6Babel adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.
51,3230gitorious-merge-requestManage Gitorious' merge requests (create, remove, show, ...)
51,3230auxesis-RubyRRDtoolrubyrrdtool provides ruby bindings for RRD functions (via librrd), with functionality c...
51,3230source_locatorSource code locater
51,3230pingdom-clientPingdom Ruby Client
51,3230periodic_counterMaintains period fields on any counter column in your database
51,3230indonesia_districtIndonesia District Collection
51,3230libratoSimple cli tool for storing and syncing librato spaces..