Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179121-179140 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220pdf_to_swf-paperclip-processorThis gem is simple Paperclip processor which uses swftools to convert uploaded pdf file...
97,7220peoplehrA library for interacting with the PeopleHR API to export and manipulate employee and o...
97,7220pdf_thumbnailerTakes a folder structure of PDF files and generates thumbnail images for all pages of a...
97,7220penniesAlways ensure accuracy in financial calculations to avoid losing even a single penny.
97,7220snifflesSniffles helps you detect which popular CMS, analytics, and advertising platforms a web...
97,7220column_sortColumn sorting for index pages
97,7220sednaRuby extension that provides a client library for the Sedna XML DBMS, making use of the...
97,7220colourSupport for computation of colour swatches in both the RGB and HSV colour representations
97,7220code2pdfConvert your source code to PDF
97,7220penso-feedbagThis gem will return title and url for each feed discovered at a given url, handling pr...
97,7220perforce2svnIt loads each revision in a Perforce repository sequentially and commits each change in...
97,7220togglifyA Rubygem that allows you to easily enable/disable parts of your ruby code.
97,7220simple_search_likeSimple hash-based search for ActiveRecord. Also see Scoped Search.
97,7220rubygems-mygemsNever install a gem again..
97,7220ObjectProxyObjectProxy provides a proxied interface to Ruby objects. It lets you add methods to o...
97,7220planilhaParses xlsx files and returns a hash with the data
97,7220PNMDigiDockerizerSebuah wrapper Ruby yang memudahkan deployment Docker ke server menggunakan SSH.
97,7220rspec-puppet-augeasRSpec tests for Augeas resources in Puppet manifests
97,7220pivotal_reportingPlease see the README. This tool generates some reports that could be useful if you're ...
97,7220poundie-ffmA Poundie plugin for discovering the antipodal restaurant for the provided location.