Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179061-179080 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220omniauth-outsetaEnables the use of Outseta as an authentication provider in combination with Devise and...
97,7220omniauth-wild-apricotA WildApricot OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth 1.x. This allows you to login to WildApricot...
97,7220oci-logging-analytics-kubernetes-discoveryA rubygem for discovering Kubernetes resources and send it to OCI Logging Analytics.
97,7220ocpiOffers a standard interface for OCPI roaming services for EV, charging locations and pr...
97,7220mm-embeddableFor query minimization purposes in MongoDB it is useful to provide a few key properties...
97,7220cartera-jekyllJekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.
97,7220hopsoft-acts-as-lookupPowerful lookup table behavior added to ActiveRecord.
97,7220omniauth-mydigipassOmniAuth strategy for MYDIGIPASS.COM, which can be used for sandbox or production
97,7220opera-contactsParses the opera browser contacts file (ending in .adr) to a ruby data structure. This ...
97,7220openfeature-rollout-providerThe rollout provider for the OpenFeature Ruby SDK
97,7220osx-trashManipulate the Mac OS X Finder's Trash using Scripting Bridge and RubyCocoa.
97,7220overridableOverridable is a pure ruby library which helps you to make your methods which are defin...
97,7220outside_transactionRun block only if not inside a transaction or when transaction is committed.
97,7220cloud_front_helpersprovides rails view helpers for referencing a CDN (such as CloudFront) on an assets bas...
97,7220otakumike-ruby-lvm-attribA list of attributes for LVM objects - DO NOT USE THIS POINTLESS FORK OF THE ORIGINAL D...
97,7220option_pickerOptionPicker allows you to create a list of allowed options, and specify a fallback. Wh...
97,7220scotttam-resquescotttam-resque is an extension to the resque queue system that has pre-fork hooks and ...
97,7220opencv-colorOpenCV is a great library for writing Computer Vision software, However, OpenCV's HSV f...
97,7220overloaded_methodsSingle clause, branching method definitions are so 2007. Get with SRP and party! With o...
97,7220origen_simPlugin that provides a testbench environment to simulate Origen test patterns