Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179201-179220 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220quickjsA native wrapper to run QuickJS in Ruby
97,7220spud_adminSpud Admin Panel Engine
97,7220ripl-ripperThis ripl plugin gives ripl multi-line eval ability using ripper.
97,7220timed_specsA Rspec formatter built upon the default DocumentationFormatter which shows the time ta...
97,7220rails-servicesServices Description for Rails 3.0.3+ or 2.3.8+
97,7220ruby-oci8-masterruby-oci8 is a ruby interface for Oracle using OCI8 API. It is available with Oracle8, ...
97,7220pg_queueSome experimentations with LISTEN/NOTIFY for background jobs
97,7220quran-audioDownloads recitations of The Noble Quran from everyayah.com
97,7220mischacksMiscellaneous methods that may or may not be useful. sh:: Safely pass untrusted parame...
97,7220phocoder-rbThe ruby client for the phocoder.com API.
97,7220quiz_proctor_engineAllows students to take canvas quizzes in a chromeless view, as well as allow proctors ...
97,7220rabbit-slide-hasumikin-RubyConfPoland2019-WorkshopIt will cover: - Introducing mruby/c which is Ruby implementation for microcontroller ...
97,7220socialcast_ldap_integrationThe most bestest LDAP integration gem thine eyes hath ever beholded.
97,7220r2dor2do is a simple todo gem which allows you to create Tasks and group them by Category. ...
97,7220bio-assemblybioruby plugin to parse, write, and manipulate assembly data
97,7220serverdensity-herokuA gem for running the Server Density agent on heroku
97,7220ucengineA ruby library to consume the U.C.Engine API
97,7220papervision3dPapervision3D ActionScript 3 source wrapped in a Sprout::Specification for implementati...
97,7220tidy_tableTidyTable by Geoffrey Grosenbach http://topfunky.com == DESCRIPTION: Yet another libr...