Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179041-179060 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830rack-killswitchLive broadcast on app showing fire and blood everywhere? Image hosting site flooded wit...
74,4830indulgencePackages permission functionality into a set of permission objects.
74,4830flutherRuby interface to the Fluther discussion system
74,4830social-imagesUsing LibVips to process images, Social::Images generates images for use on social medi...
74,4830solana-rubyProvides an easy-to-use interface for interacting with the Solana blockchain.
74,4830snipplrSnipplr gem is intended to be used as command line api to publish delete and view code ...
74,4830rumpRump helps you run Puppet locally against a Git checkout. This is great for locally ite...
74,4830simple-loginsimple-login creates a basic and simple login system for Rails 3 apps. It is based on R...
74,4830SocialShareFeatureShare on social media platform and check how many times url was shared in social networ...
74,4830sneakers_retry_handlerRetries in specified time interval. Supports `on_retry` and `on_error` callbacks
74,4830yarii-cloudinaryAllows images to be loaded and viewed in Yarii via the Cloudinary service
74,4830soc_medGives the abillity to create likes, follows, blocks, and reporting for Rails applications.
74,4830jqgrid_for_railsSimple solution to create jqgrids easily using Rails
74,4830acts_as_wrapped_class== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Wrappers do not dispatch const_missing yet, so constants are ...
74,4830domtemplRuby implementation of DOMtempl.
74,4830actionmailer-javamailActionMailer-JavaMail allows the emails to be delivered via the JavaMail library. This...
74,4830foldscafGeneradores adaptados a las necesidades de Xaver
74,4830find_by_sql_fileThis ActiveRecord extension lets you pass a symbol to ActiveRecord::Base#find_by_sql, w...
74,4830mail_sandboxGem has run SMTP server and manipulate letters received. Using the Observer pattern you...
74,4830fu_queueMake the life of SMQueue easier in a Rails application