Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179141-179160 of all 184,353 gems.
51,3230cascading-configuration-array-sorted-uniqueNow just a thin wrapper for cascading-configuration.
51,3230hanklords-shared-mime-infoLibrary to guess the MIME type of a file with both filename lookup and magic file detec...
51,3230hardbap-couldaRails generators that create Shoulda & Factory Girl tests.
51,3230bundle2rpmTurns your gem bundles into RPMs!
51,3230singuAn opinionated Sinatra and Angular.js structure
51,3230ruby-slippersA ruby and rack based blog engine for heroku
51,3230random_methodsAdds simple methods toFixnum, Float, Array and String classes, will document later.
51,3230rcloadenvrcloadenv is a tool for loading configuration from the Google Runtime Config API into e...
51,3230pilferpilfer uses rblineprof to measure how long each line of code takes to execute and the n...
51,3230rbsimYou can model your distributed infrastructora and application and simulate its behavior...
51,3230rbpad'rbpad' is a programming editor for Ruby using Ruby/GTK3 and Ruby/GtkSourceView3
51,3230jellyfish-provisionerProvide Provisioner helper class needed for Jellyfish modules adding product types
51,3230rcgtkThe Ruby Code Generation Toolkit provides classes for generating LLVM IR and native obj...
51,3230referthisThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
51,3230aunderwo-gdata4rubyA full featured wrapper for interacting with the base Google Data API
51,3230random-passwordRandomPassword.generate(strength = 8) method provides you with a tottally random 8 lett...
51,3230foreman_noenvThe foreman_noenv plugin allows a hosts Puppet agent to specify a local environment
51,3230event_calendarGenerates HTML event calendars
51,3230okumanenJapanese currency string convert method
51,3230lardawge-rfmRfm brings your FileMaker data to Ruby. Now your Ruby scripts and Rails applications ca...