Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179221-179240 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220indisIntelligent dissasembly framework
97,7220micetrapCatch evil hackers on the fly by placing open-port traps emulating fake vulnerable serv...
97,7220mogo24rmogo24r is mogo2API-library for ruby. mogo2 is Japanese micro-blog.
97,7220open_graph_protocolA gem to facilitate populating the open graph protocol metatags on a web page as part o...
97,7220palA miniature Ruby read-evaluate-print loop for project-specific shells.
97,7220rack-restful-controllerRack application, "RESTful" Rails style.
97,7220selectbox_railsjQuery plugin for nicer looking select boxes for use with Rails 3.1 asset pipeline.
97,7220to_excelExport ruby objects to excel file
97,7220rabbit-slide-kenhys-groonga-osc2013-spring2013年2月22日、2月23日にわたって開催されたOSC 2013 Tokyo/Sprintにて行われた 第8回 日本OSS貢献者賞・奨励賞 授賞式後の懇親会でのLTです。
97,7220table_form_builderTable-based form builder for Rails 3
97,7220orangeweb_bootstrap_helperHelpers that makes easier the use of Twitter Bootstrap with Ruby on Rails
97,7220stack_tracyInvestigate and detect slow methods within the stack trace of your Ruby (optionally Sin...
97,7220certified-net-http-requestsGem for dealing with `SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificat...
97,7220hitfox_coupon_apiSimple JSON interface to the HitFox coupon API
97,7220snip-snapA ruby library that allows you to extract images from popular image-sharing services
97,7220troopsDeploy iOS apps with betabuilder
97,7220rails-indexesA rake task to track down missing database indexes. does not assume that all foreign ke...
97,7220mysmallidea-activemerchantActive Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopif...