Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179641-179660 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220spbtv_redis_failoverredis_failover is a ZooKeeper-based automatic master/slave failover solution for Ruby
97,7220social-imagesUsing LibVips to process images, Social::Images generates images for use on social medi...
97,7220tkh_authenticationA Rails engine for access control authentication customized for Ten Thousand Hours.
97,7220solana-rubyProvides an easy-to-use interface for interacting with the Solana blockchain.
97,7220SorobanSoroban makes it easy to extract and execute formulas from Excel spreadsheets. It rewri...
97,7220sparklines_generatorSparklines generator makes a Rails controller and helper for making small graphs in you...
97,7220backgroundableSimple backgrounding in rails using beanstalk
97,7220sounddropA gem that provides audio and track information about a Soundcloud song given a URL
97,7220solidus_api_devise_token_authREST API for the Solidus e-commerce framework (devise_token_auth revised version)
97,7220spiffyA markdown to HTML & PDF converter, with simple ERB & HAML templating and CSS s...
97,7220ulgUltra Light Graphs - Text editor friendly markup language for creating simple graphs.
97,7220sorceror_poseidon_clusterCluster extensions for Poseidon tweaked for Sorceror, a producer and consumer implement...
97,7220sorry-api-rubyAn easy to use Ruby wrapper for the Sorryâ„¢ Status Page API. For details on what you can...
97,7220SocialShareFeatureShare on social media platform and check how many times url was shared in social networ...
97,7220sneakers_retry_handlerRetries in specified time interval. Supports `on_retry` and `on_error` callbacks
97,7220soc_medGives the abillity to create likes, follows, blocks, and reporting for Rails applications.
97,7220spina-admin-conferencesKeep track of conference attendees and presentations with this plugin.
97,7220spikegrobstein-gitRuby/Git is a Ruby library that can be used to create, read and manipulate Git reposito...
97,7220snipplrSnipplr gem is intended to be used as command line api to publish delete and view code ...
97,7220rumpRump helps you run Puppet locally against a Git checkout. This is great for locally ite...