Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179641-179660 of all 183,690 gems.
55,8670stream_grabberYo dawg! I heard you like feeds so I multiplexed them
55,8670riessRiess is a library for automating and testing IE with a dsl like interface
55,8670mongoid-markdownEasily use markdown with mongoid texts
55,8670ticketmaster-pivotalThis is a ticketmaster provider for interacting with Pivotal Tracker .
55,8670rack-auth-cookieThe rack-auth-cookie library provides a Rack middleware interface for authenticatin...
55,8670jdl-chronicA natural language date parser with timezone support
55,8670uncoilUncoil is a gem to unshorten urls so you know where obscured links really go. If you ha...
55,8670tagtoolsImplements a simple system for handling tagging of items in a database.
55,8670rails-bootstrap-uiRails 3.1 gem that installs Twitter Bootstrap CSS and JS files, patches for will_pagina...
55,8670knife-hadoopHadoop Chef Knife Plugin
55,8670rb-gae-supportSupport utilities for ruby apps on Google App engine. Wraps GAE specific functionality,...
55,8670tbone-deviseDevise views for Tbone
55,8670weathermanWeatherman is for periodically collecting metrics and reporting them to CloudWatch
55,8670poliqarprRuby client for Poliqarp (NLP corpus server)
55,8670folioFolio is a better way to access the file system.
55,8670esv_apiESV API Wrapper.
55,8670each_with_progressstand in replacement for Enumerable#each that will print a progress bar to the console ...
55,8670lauremnothing really
55,8670saasposeRuby bindings to Saaspose REST API
55,8670rmetaweblogA ruby class for interacting with the MetaWebLog API used by many blogging systems.